2014.7.25 weekly report

Another Friday, time flips so quickly.
Then same, I write a weekly report to all members in STCA. Blow is my email:

Hi all:
During the past week. What I have done are as following.
1. Fix some bugs during the build process.
2. A function has been added to the build system for auto unit test. It will analysis the result and send failed unit test to DH 2.0 DEV.
3. Write a bat for auto-sign, due to the authority problem, could not run on my computer.
4. Write a document describing the whole build system process.

Note: the document of my build system is https://microsoft.sharepoint.com/teams/ie8c/_layouts/15/WopiFrame.aspx?sourcedoc={85B02C9A-3E0B-4890-BC30-434EAECB48F7}&file=Build%20System%20design%20process%20for%20DeviceHealth2.0.docx&action=default

Plan for next week:
1. Make sure the auto-sign program could run successfully.
2. Complete the code-coverage part.

Shuaiqi Xia (Tony)
TEL: +86 15805197235

However, for some reasons, I might for the first time have to do extra work in the company. For my teammates and I are participating the hackathon. Hope we could have a good result.
Feel sleepy…………

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